Lake Nona › Area Neighborhoods
Around 32 neighborhoods currently make up the greater Lake Nona area (that combining all the different Moss Park area neighborhoods into one group. These neighborhoods and communities range from rustic lakeside cabins to townhomes to grand estate homes.
The Tavistock corporation owns the name "Lake Nona" so only properties in their developmental area can use the term Lake Nona in their name. All of Official Lake Nona is West of Narcoossee Road and falls within the Orlando city limits in Orange County. Tavistock is also the developer for the massive Lake Nona Town Center known as Medical City.
Official Lake Nona Neighborhoods include:
Properties on the East side of Narcoossee Road are considered part of Lake Nona Area by their general location and sharing of businesses on either side of the road. Homes in the Lake Nona area were built, or are currently being built by various builders and developers. These include some of the builders you will find in the official Lake Nona neighborhoods. Homes in this area are in Orange County but are not a part of the City of Orlando.
Lake Nona Area neighborhoods include:
Both official Lake Nona and the Lake Nona area neighborhoods fall under the purview of the Orange County School System which can change school zoning areas based on need. Please make sure to check with the Orange County Find My School page to see where a particular address is zoned.
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David Myers 407-801-3286
Your Lake Nona Real Estate Expert